Wednesday 8 January 2014

Plastic Surgery: A Quick Fix ?

I was reading an interesting thread on Facebook this afternoon, following on from a post by a sunshine coast woman asking for a good plastic surgeon so she could get herself fitted with a nice new rack...

This didn't greatly surprise me; but what did truly shock me was the frenzy of replies, mostly from very knowledgeable devotees of all things surgical, in the name of perfection.  There followed details of a flurry of surgeons, operators, back-yarders, even some from other parts of this country, as well as, of course, good old Thailand (Destination Beauty apparently).

The general consensus is a new set of tits will set you back about 10K, the works (tits, tummy tuck and lipo) is 15K, but if you're not that financially abundant, there are lots of other things you can do to yourself, such as the botox, the fillers, collagen implants, chemical peels and heaven knows what else.  Also if you go for any of these minor league players, you have to be careful never to smoke or to drink through a straw, because the lines come right back!  See, I learnt something!

There was also debate about arm tucks to get rid of batwings, collagen injections, lots of errant noses, frown lines (hmm I'm frowning now, oops) and lips that simply aren't fat enough, but for what, I don't know, maybe to hide those imperfect teeth.  Hmm, are there any cosmetic dentists reading this?

I threw a couple of well timed posts in there regarding caution (mainly as a cure for death and disfigurement) and acceptance of one's looks as a first port of call... and well, let's just say I was the proverbial salmon swimming upstream against a veritable downpour of carp (with big lips of course!).  I was howled down, derided, castigated, and asked to exit stage left.  Which of course, I did.

Interestingly, my posts attracted a frenzy of Likes as well... hmm maybe they just liked the drama.

Ah, all in a day's work!

I have concerns about a world where plastic surgery is flicked around as commonly as eating a bar of chocolate, and with as little danger.  Of course it has its place in certain medical situations.  But is it just another excuse for a new "addiction" - like we don't have enough already - because after all, women rarely seem to stop at one procedure, and are actively encouraged to get the "deluxe package," all in the name of finding that confidence and self esteem which seems to elude them from the inside, which really is the only place one is ever going to find any, if they but knew.  Sometimes you can't see the sky for the trees.  As for knowing when enough is enough.....just ask Jocelyn and Pammy....

You've sort of got to wonder: these two women can afford the best surgeons money can buy too...
 enough said.  This is getting boring now.  I'm off to chisel my nose and wallpaper my breasts, and then I'm going outside to start on the dog's kneecaps (payback!) :-)

Cheers xxx

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